Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Links galore

I've been to Whitley Bay today. A lovely day in the sun. Tomorrow is my birthday and the first day of conker season, according to ILuvNUFC junior, so you probably won't hear from me tomorrow either as we are off to Jesmond Dene. So here is a nice pile of rubbish from me to keep you going...

- Especially for Bungers... How to be a Ninja, part one - the costume

- and another for Bungers Helmets from around the world - snigger.

- The Coca-Cola timeline - Over 100 years of gut rot.

- Tornado videos

- Remember the Magic Eye craze of the 90's? Here is the homepage. I know it's about 10 years late but i've spent about half of that time trying to work them out. I rarely could.

- How drunk am I?

- Cat town. Picture stories of cats. Dressed up. Strange.

- Hand knitted superhero costumes

- Ever fancied climbing Mount Everest? Now you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Class.

- Your monkey wants a tab. NOW.

- Famous people who kill. Never saw our Patrick Kluivert in there.

- Monkey images

- Especially for our US visitors Big John toilet seat. :)

- What happens if I expose a Lego man to extreme heat? and other strange questions answered in video form. Class.

- One for everyone Spyware resources

Thanks to milkandcookies, coolios and weirdlinks

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