The MapOfStrange website is a way of recording strange, wacky, weird and wonderful anomalies, sights and oddities from Google Maps and Google Earth
'I'm a lover, not a fighter' says Google to US government probes
Google Earth: 10 Places You Must Visit
Fantastic Free Google Earth Game: Ships
Google Searches for Staffing Answers
Map of all Google data center locations
Mozilla and Google Announce HTML-Based Extensions
Sergey Brin: 'Search is going to get smarter'
Google Earth Honors Iraq War Dead
Is Google's Chrome the New Internet Explorer?
12 totally awesome Google Maps
Google: We will make YouTube profitable
How Google's book-scanner cleverly corrects for the curvature of an open book
Google launches first TV ads
9 Awesome & Useful Google Maps Mashups
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next
"Pirate Google" sets sail to show copyright hypocrisy
Google Becomes Default Location Provider For Firefox
Google's power-hungry data centres
Google Earth Publication Of Japanese Historical Maps Causes Outcry
Google is accused of UK tax avoidance
Identify: Google People With Two Keystrokes
Why Google Is The New Pirate Bay
Spammers Can Get Your Email Address from Google Profiles
Google’s User Data Empire
Rhett Dashwood's Google Maps alphabet
Now You Can Change What Google Says About You
Google’s Detailed Response to FeedBurner Criticism
Watch videos right in Gmail chat
Google Web Drive on Its Way?
The Plot to Kill Google
10 really cool Google Chrome hacks
Google Knol Reaches 100,000 Pages
Google Blog Converters 1.0 Released
Google Accused Of Invisibly Deleting Blog Posts On The RIAA's Say-So
Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View
Google: Our Green Data Centers Got a Lot Greener
How Gmail destroyed Outlook
Google Chrome Accesses Hotmail by Pretending It's Safari
Coming Soon: Google Chrome Extensions
Google Launches ISP Throttling Detector
Google Maps Car Hits a Deer, Records Entire Ordeal on Google Maps
Google's camera car captures bucolic scene on South Dakota street
Dive into the new Google Earth
Gmail gives users 'Multiple Inboxes'
New Google Ocean Takes Google Earth Beyond the "Dirt"
Ten Gmail Labs Features You Should Enable
Google Executives Face Jail Time for Italian Video
North Oaks tells Google Maps: Keep out - we mean it
Google's experimental Gmail toys
Google Browser Sync To Be Discontinued
Google To Develop ISP Throttling Detector
Is Google about to swallow up Digg?
How to Become a Gmail Jedi Master
Google Street View Captures Car Accident
GMail Adds Group Mailing List Functions
Google Maps Enhanced with Weather Channel Data
Google pulls anti-Scientology links
Gallery Of New Google Zurich Office
YouTube - Google Maps Gone Wrong, Google's technology playground
100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups
A tour of Google's new Experimental Search. Verdict: awesome
Google Announces Fastest Growing Search Terms
Google Maps catches high school prank. NSFW
The Earth from Above. Almost 500 wonderful photographs by French photographer and environmentalist Yann Arthus-Bertrand as a layer in Google Earth.
The Strangest Sights in Google Earth. Quie a few I had'nt seen.
Report: Google preps online storage service
Google's Goal: Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal
KML/KMZ Collaboration Added to Google Maps
What the Google Intranet Looks Like
Yahoo vs. Google 1996 to 2005
Google announces open-source mobile phone OS, Android
Q&A: Google's Android
Rwanda Kid's First Word is: Google
Fun with Google's Calculator
Canada warns Google: 'Street View' likely illegal
Google Moon been re-launched with "Street View" on-surface panoramic NASA photos from the astronaut's perspective.
Top 10 little-known Gmail features
Two new Gmail features in the queue
Google Wants You To Share Stuff
How To Treat Your Employees By Google
10 Google Services That Get No Love
Google Planning Giant Undersea Cable?
Man from Pennsylvania Sues Google for $5 Billion
Google launches embeddable map feature
Google Earth given celestial view. Screenshots and links.
Google Video Store gets stay of execution, full refunds coming
Photo-Auto Maps. Google Maps Streetview, circa 1907.
Google Cheat Sheet (Version 1.06)
Google Jokes, Sometimes...
Google Earth Flight Simulator 1997-2007
Crazy Questions at Google Job Interview
Google Earth Gallery
Google Earth Blog
Official Gmail Blog
Google Employees on Wikipedia
In Pictures: The Strangest Sights in Google Earth
Top 10 Google Words and Expressions
Google Ads - they will sell anything
Watchdog Group Slams Google on Privacy
Google's REAL Street View Car: VW Beetle
Top 15 Google Street View Sightings
Sound lands on Google Earth
Advanced use of Google Analytics and the new interface
Google Maps: City Names of Risque Words
Google to Show Daily List of Hot Topics
10 Cool Things You Can Do With (the New) Google Analytics
Boing Boing: Google Maps is spying on my cat
Google Maps adds Street View - Lifehacker
Getting Access to Gmail Accounts of the Deceased
20 Ways to Use Gmail Filters
New: Google Image Search Categories
Google Maps Street View Found E.T. and The worst possible time to be coming of of the Strip Club
Facial recognition slipped into Google image search
Galleries of interesting people, places and sightings in Google Street View and more here at Google Blogoscoped, streetviewr and
Google Hamburg Gallery
Google buys Panoramio to use with Google Earth
Google Gears API Developer's Guide - Home
It's official: Google has bought FeedBurner
Google beats Microsoft, Coke in brand stakes
Google surpasses Microsoft as world's most-visited site
iGoogle Gadget Maker
List of places blurred out on Google Maps
Google's Presentation Application?
Google Earth Library: Interesting things to do with Google Earth
Google Earth adds hiking trails - Lifehacker
How Google Blogsearch ranks your Posts… In their own words!
Where did you lose your virginity? Plot your place on a Google map. A couple of steps further than Where I Had My First Kiss . com
Google map of modern-day pirate attacks
How Google Books is Changing Academic History
Google launches My Maps - Lifehacker
George W. Bush: A Failure Once Again, According To Google
Get free stuff using Google Blog Search
12 Quick Tips To Search Google Like An Expert
Google’s Buses Help Its Workers Beat the Rush
Ex-Google Answers Researchers Launch Q&A Site
Google Maps adds "Traffic" Button
Google Is Reviving Hopes for Ex-Furniture Makers
Inside Google China
Turn Gmail Into Your Personal Nerve Center
Google’s First Production Server on Flickr
Strange Google Iinks
GMail: pay for more storage space
How Google was founded - The Story of Sergey Brin
How to access Gmail when it is blocked at work or school
Massive Google hard drive survey turns up very interesting things - Engadget
Pro guide to Google searches. Part I
Google founder regrets censoring China
134 Countries where you can Google but you can’t Yahoo
Google Tries to Make Googlebombs Ineffective and Remembering the First Google Bomb
Google Earth 4 Officially Released
Exclusive - Yahoo Using Dirty Tactics to Switch Google & Firefox Users?
List of Google products - Wikipedia
Google Research Picks for Videos of the Year
Can Google Come Out to Play? Google's new East Coast HQ, unveiled.
Long Time Lost. Interesting.
Top 15 Google Logos
NASA and Google to Bring Space Exploration Down to Earth
How to Add Search to Google Reader
Google Passes Yahoo as Second Most-Visited Web Site
The Goog Life: how Google keeps employees by treating them like kids
50 Things to do with Google Maps mashups
Using Google to View MySpace or Any Restricted Site
Google launches ‘YouSnoop’ :)
Googleholic for December 8th, 2006 - Download Squad
Bizzare Google Request
Gmail Mail Fetcher
Google Patent Search
Exploring Google's Hidden Features
Google Earth Reveals Penis On Top of School
Ten Tips for Smarter Google Searches > Tip #1: Use the Correct Methodology
Google Christmas Present
Ever wonder where Google gets all that Gmail storage space?
Coincidences that made Google successful
Google 'aids doctors' diagnoses'
Historical maps on Google Earth
Customize the Embedded Google Video Player
21 Great SEO Tips From Google’s Matt Cutts
The ten best things you can do with Google Earth
Playing Google Videos In Windows Media Player
Google Code Search
The new Google Groups experience
Google - The Literacy Project
Call users from inside your Gmail
Google Apps for Your Domain
Google to allow free downloads of books
Official Google Blog: Googlebombing 'failure'
Google beats Microsoft’s top geeks
Google Scholar
How much money does Google make every second.
The Secret Source of Google's Power. Interesting.
Google tool watches as you work
Official Google Video Blog
Gates Welcomes Competition With Google
What Would Microsoft Do if Google Invented an OS?
Mac users can now use Gmail for storage
Google Pack. Great for web beginners.
BBC NEWS - The world according to Google
Google Has Own Operating System For Internal Use
Data Mining using Google
Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet)
Men Are From Google Women Are From Yahoo
A new year for Google Video
100’s of Interesting Google Maps Locations
Download videos from Youtube, Google Video and iFilm
Make any website a mobile site, with Google
Gmail Mobile
Two Things That Bother Me About Google’s New Firefox Extension
Google Groans Under Data Strain
Google Zeitgeist and Yahoo! 2005 Top Searches. It's that time of year again.
Google free proxy. Access restricted web sites using Google language tools service as a proxy.
Google Acquisitions
Is Google Going To The Opera?
Google Firefox Extensions includes 2 new ones still in beta. One sounds interesting and the other sounds handy.
Gmail: Help Center - How do I create a Contact Group?
Cool Google Maps - Who knew maps could be fun?
The Ultimate Guide to Google Services
The Search Engine Experiment - Who Really Has The Best Results? I came up with Yahoo when I tried it twice.
Photo gallery: Inside the London GooglePlex
Google Click-to-Call
Google Advanced Search
Who's Afraid of Google? Everyone. Interesting article.
Google as evidence
Google Base has launched.
Google Analytics
The Beer Hunter. Google Map that shows Beer stores - as well as their open and close times. Toronto only.
Google Registers A Few New Domain Names
Google Video Downloader Final Version
![Quite a collection Quite a collection](
Risk via Google Maps v0.9.4
Yahoo Maps pranks Google
More video to watch from Google
Google KAI has a blog and Yahoo does'nt. Yet.
Google posts first books online
Google Base Was Sort of Live. Some Screenshots.
How Google Earth Works
Mobile GMaps - Google Maps and MSN Virtual Earth on your mobile phone
Google sets up $1bn charity fund
Google's Privacy Policy In Layman's Words
Google Hacks
Using Gmail to...
Google lobbies Congress for a 'free' internet
Google Wallet?
Using Google to find Movies
NYsee. Google Maps and NYC Traffic Cameras.
Google expected to build campus at NASA
GoogleVideo may host free BBC content
Google Calendar may be days away from launch
Google Gmail Power Tips
Google Earth Zoo. Unsuitable language on the entry page
Taiwan raps Google over map label
Build Your Own Google Map
Google declares war on Microsoft
Auto-Save in Gmail
Panoramio. New Google Maps photo explorer
Fake Google Toolbars Go Phishing
More on Google TV
Google Experiments with 'Scram' Button
Zip Code Google Maps
Google Map Compendium
Gmail's long-lost Chinese cousin?
Celebrity Maps. Celebrities homes on Google Maps.
Google Blog alternate blog-RSS-feed sample.
Worm spoofs Google on infected PCs.
Google to bid on AOL?
Google saves infant from unnecessary transfusion.
How to search Google efficiently
Google Earth threatens democracy - again.
Google TV?
Google Maps with 2000 Census data.
Year-by-year contrast of Yahoo/Google homepages.
Google Blog Search.
The first Google page.
New legal threat to Google over GMail.
Google support wildcard searches.
TalkMad. Google Talk fan site.
NEW Google Earth 3.0.0548 Beta.
Google Is An Advertising Company.
Google Ultimate Interface.
CheckGmail is an alternative Gmail Notifier for Linux.
Google Pizza Program. I hope they don't eat it at work.
Google Search Features.
Vint Cerf, "father of the internet", joins Google!
Google Maps with 2000 Census data.
Year-by-year contrast of Yahoo/Google homepages.
Engadget asks How would you change Google Talk?
How to conference call with Google Talk.
Google Anything, So Long as It's Not Google.
Google Earth, Google Moon, and Beyond? A list of the domain names Google registered recently.
Google Talk.
Download Squad's Google Talk Review.
Google Talk - Tons of screenshots...
How to set up Google Talk on your Mac.
Now, Google Is Tackling Talk.
New Gmail Feature.
Google Talk's First Hack. How to Broadcast MP3's, Podcasts and other audio over Google Talk.
Integrating Google Talk with Google Desktop 2.
Google Talk Tweaks.
Sign up for Gmail.
Google Talk vs Skype.
Game in Gtalk.
The Google Operating System, and why it’s virtually here already.
How would you change Gmail? - Engadget. Are you listening Google?
UNESCO World Heritage Sites on Google Maps.
Sightseeing with Google Satellite Maps.
It's Your Town, Charlie Brown! Guide to all 55 Charlie Brown statues around Santa Rosa, CA. in a Google maps stylee.
Recent World Earthquake Activity in .KML files for Google Earth. Or you can just click here to see Earthquakes in the last week on Google Maps.
International Cities in Google Maps.
Essential Resources for Google Maps.
From Google. Random Video's.
List of websites with Google PageRank of 9 or 10.
Google beats Microsoft’s top geeks.
Google Total.
Finding warez using Google.
Available Google News Feeds.
Google vs Yahoo usage Stats and Analysis.
How to Use Google Maps EZ.
How to read any book with Google.
Google to Buy Meetroduction.
Google Maps Explorer.
Google Maps Mania. An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, ideas and tools being influenced by Google Maps.
Google Help : Cheat Sheet. Searching tips.
MSN Virtual Earth To Take On Google Earth.
15 Common Mistakes by Google Adsense Publishers that Violate Terms of Service.
Google Earth Hacks.
Google Earth.
Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet), some handy tips, and's Google Hacking.
Florida Sexual Predators. Google map.
Google Will Eat Itself.
Google Secret Is Out. Google have recently filed a US patent which reveals a great deal of how they rank your web site. Some of it you could never of guessed at....
Google Map Hack for Large Maps.
Google Guide: Help with Searching.
Google Maps Wallpaper.
Satellite Fun. Quirky and funny pictures from Google satellite images.
Slashdot | Google to Map San Francisco in 3D.
Google's books online under fire.
First look at Google Earth.
Use Google to Find Free eBooks.
How-to: Backup to Gmail.
Google ponders Blogger, Gmail integration. News of possible new features.
Warning about Checking G-Mail RSS on Bloglines.
How to Search for MP3s using Google - Automated!
Google Web Accelerator: Hey, not so fast - an alert for web app designers. How to Block Google's Web Accelerator.
Google searches for quality not quantity.
Gates v Google.
Google Ads for Cheap Airline Tickets Actually Phishers?
Google wants your DIY porn videos.
Google Tutor & Advisor. Tips, Techniques and Advice for Google Users.
Googlizer. How many pages do you have indexed in Google?
Removing Your Materials from Google.
Google Answers: What is the Best Iron? Stunning response.
Google Zeitgeist.
Religous Google Ads.
The Secret Source of Google's Power. Interesting.
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