Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cincinnati's Abandoned Subway

Underground War Bunker in Newcastle

Cincinnati's Abandoned Subway

Extreme Exploration: Russian Nuclear Research Facilities

The Neutrino Lab (via)

Chernobyl photoreportage

Lost City in the Woods

The Abandoned City San Zhi

Doomed Chernobyl reactor to be buried in giant steel coffin

WARNING: One reader in the comments has said this about the following link although I have had no problems with it.

The link that you provided to "The concrete skeletons of five-star hotel..." leads to a site with an embeded virus in the HTML. My virus software caught it, but I just figured I should let you know.

I use Firefox with the noscript extension which protects me from most bad stuff out there but maybe my AV program did'nt pick it up. I will also say the site mentioned is one that I've read for some time with no problems.

Here's the link anyway The concrete skeletons of five-star hotel complexes abandoned on Egypt's Sinai Peninsula (via)

I am now off to run the link through LinkScanner to see if they find anything.

2ND EDIT: Linkscanner did'nt find anything wrong with the site either.

More Abandoned and Urban Exploration?
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